What do you do to protect my data?

What do you do to protect my data?

We take security incredibly seriously, because we understand the importance of your data. That’s why we ensure that all our hosting providers follow a comprehensive data security protocol, and have fail-safe redundancy built in.

Just in case

To guarantee uptime 365 days a year, we use multiple hosts, with separate, physical data centres. It means that whatever happens, your data is backed up.

Another benefit of our real-time server backup if the worst were to happen, it is possible to salvage the lost data. So, for example, if staff have made unwanted changes to a record or file, we can offer a service that allows us to recover the right data from an earlier state, by restoring a separate copy that can be exported out and added back in as needed.

Safe in transit

Providing real-time backup facilities in multiple locations means your data is safe on the move. To maximise security, your data is encrypted when it is transmitted between servers. As your staff use agileBase (the platform all our agileChilli software is built on) and load up data already on the server, it too reaches them over a 256 bit, encrypted connection.

Cloud Safety

Our platform, agileBase is only accessible through SSL encrypted browser sessions, with certificates signed by Comodo. If you don’t know the name, Comodo are global leaders in providing secure encryption to financial and government powerhouses. Use of strong passwords is enforced, and for an added layer of security, are protected by an automatic lockout when wrong passwords are repeatedly entered.

Strong account security

A variety of industry standard, best practice systems put layers of security between your data and the end user. We always consider what more we can do in terms of data security. In addition to the above password protections, measures include;

  • Immediate notifications of logins from new geographic areas or on new devices
  • Full access and data modification audit trails
  • Comprehensive roles and privileges system
  • Password encryption in the database
  • Firewall, intrusion detection and operating system security
  • Two-factor authentication

Host Security

Data on our software is stored on UK based, enterprise level hosting facilities. All our hosting providers boast high levels of physical and environmental security. Physical access is limited to essential maintenance staff, and controlled by a multifaceted system of biometric systems, 24 hour surveillance, and monitoring equipment. In short, it’s the business.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Create _index.md (439c664)