Behaviour Options

These options affect the behaviour of a view

Group by all non-aggregate fields

Affects how some calculation aggregates worked - documented in calculations -> aggregates of child rows

Allow exports

See Security And Compliance -> Exporting

Record limit

Only return the top N rows of data from the view, even if there are more available. This is equivalent to adding a LIMIT clause in SQL.

Distinct fields

If many rows in the view have the same values for a particular field, then reduce the number shown to only one row for every distinct (unique) value of that field. The top row is returned.

Multiple distinct fields can be added, in which case the rows reduce based on their values unique in combination.

For example, imagine you have a view showing countries, cities and populations, sorted by population descending, with data like:

  • Japan, Tokyo, 13,515,271
  • Japan, Nagoya, 2,283,289
  • UK, London, 8,908,081
  • UK, Bristol, 463,400

Adding a distinct field on the country would reduce this to the most populated city in each country, i.e.

  • Japan, Tokyo, 13,515,271
  • UK, London, 8,908,081

DISTINCT is an SQL feature

Amalgamate with

If you have two views with fields of the same type in the same order, then you can merge them together into one. The field names don’t necessarily need to be the same.

This is done using an SQL UNION clause.

Cache view rows

Caching can speed up views. It doesn’t need to be used often as the underlying database PostgreSQL is great at dealing with large data problems, but when it is necessary it can significantly speed up access, allowing faster loading and searching. Caching works well when

  • a view is complex and slow to load
  • it doesn’t contain a massive number of rows - in this case the issue is likely to be the raw volume of data, rather than the complexity of calculations

If both those criteria are met, then turning on caching can significantly speed a view up, allowing faster loading and searching. There are three options

  • no caching (the default)
  • cache view, update on record save
    • this means when a view is opened or searched, if there have been changes to data in any tables used by the view since it was last opened, then the cache will be updated
  • cache view, update once a day
    • useful for views that don’t need to be updated often, e.g. monthly reporting figures

If a view is cached and other views reference it, those other views will also speed up too.

Caching is implemented using materialized views.

If you find a view is slow, feel free to contact us for support before trying options like caching, there are many other targeted options we can look at first, such as adding indexes.

Query Plan

The majority of the time you will not need to change this setting. However here’s what it does in case you do:

When getting data from a view (the list of rows), the database internally uses a query planner. The planner works out the quickest way to return the results, as for complex queries there may be many possible ways.

Most of the time that works very well, in fact increasingly well with each new release of the PostgreSQL database. However sometimes a sub-optimal plan can be used, resulting in a slow view. Agilebase then automatically tries out an alternative (specifically, disabling the use of ‘nested loops to see if that’s faster and sets this option if so.

This option only needs to be changed if the Agilebase detection fails (which is possible, query timing can depend on many factors, such as how many other queries the database is running at the time), resulting in a slower view rather than a faster one.

In that case, you can experiment by changing the setting from ‘default’ to ‘alternative’ or vice versa.

As above, feel free to contact us if you have any questions about improving database performance.

Last modified August 25, 2023: Clone abdocs (20b3b13)