
Options which alter table behaviour

To access these options, edit a table and select ’tags and options'.

Allow add

If this is ticked (it is by default), users can add records to the table. Anyone with develop privileges on the table can add tables regardless.

Only from within tab

If this is ticked, users can add records but only when accessing this table’s form from within a tab of a parent record. This can help ensure that child records are always connected to a parent and aren’t created as ‘orphans’.

Allow clone and merge

(Off by default). Show a clone/merge record button when a user is viewing a record.

Cloning makes a simple copy of all data in the record. The contents of tabs are not cloned. A more advanced clone facility can be created with a workflow if desired.

Merging allows the user to select another record to merge with this one. This is commonly use to resolve a situation where there are duplicate records. The contents of one are merged into the other, then the first deleted. A wizard will guide the user through selecting which data to keep from each record. Child records from the deleted record will be re-attached to the one remaining. So for example if Organisation 1 containing two contacts is merged with Organisation 2 containing 3, a single organisation with five contacts will result.

Allow remove

(On by default). Allow records to be deleted by people with EDIT privileges as well as people with develop privileges, who can always delete.

Allow share

Showa button which allows links to individual records to be shared between users using email. Note - recipients still need a login and relevant privileges to see the record.

Data entry from external sources

The options in this section are for configuring the table to allow an API request from an external source to create and edit records. See API use for more information.

Other options

Records lockable

Records can be locked to prevent editing. You may like to do this based on criteria e.g. once a customer order has been sent, it should be locked against further changes.

To actually lock the record, a workflow can be used.

Locked records can be manually unlocked by someone with develop privileges on the table, but only one at a time.

Email notifications

When someone adds a comment to a record, when selecting recipients, they have the option to email those recipients, as well as adding the comment to the comment stream. Ticking this table option sets the default to send emails for any comment added to this table. Users can override this on an individual comment basis and recipients can override in their notification preferences.

Flag records with colour

Enter a field name here and add a field with the same name to a view, to flag records. The contents of the field must be one of the colour names as given on the screen. The field added to the view can be a calculation, specifically a hidden calculation. This will flag the view without showing the colour name on screen.

If a calculation, any fields used in the calculation will be highlighted with the resulting colour.

This option can also be used to colour items in a junction chooser (see tab option: Choose a record when a new item is added). In the junction table, set this option, then in the view used as a relation picker (set in the relation field options), add the colour calculation.

It’s also possible to colour individual table fields or calculations in a view (as opposed to this option which flags the whole row). See the options for field colouring or calculation colouring

Accept emails to this address

The system can accept incoming emails and attach them to relevant records e.g. attaching an email from a customer to that customer’s record.

A particular email address can be set up to receive emails. The system can be configured to either accept emails from anyone, or just from users. If just from users, then users can forward any emails they receive to the system to have them imported, or BCC the address when sending to people.

The email text will be logged as a comment against the record, with the full email attached if it is HTML formatted or includes attachments. The table must have a comments field.

Please contact us if you’d like to set that up.

Emails are matched by creating a view containing the email addresses of potential recipients. An incoming email is attached to the record from this view which matches the sender’s email address. If there is no match, it is added to a ‘holding bay’ where users can view and manually attach emails to records.

Configuring the email address used

An email address of the form viewname@accountname.domainname will be set up, e.g. contacts@mycompany.agilebase.co.uk

  • viewname determines the view which Agilebase queries to find the recipient email address. The comment will be added to the matching record in the view’s parent table, or a tab of the table, if Accept emails from parent table is enabled in a tab. If multiple tabs have this option enabled, then the tab with a name also matching viewname is used
  • accountname determines the company account to look in
  • domainname is the domain name of the Agilebase server


After the options, some structural information is shown, such as which tables depend on this one i.e. have a relation to it, how many fields and views per tile there are. See also the usage dashboard

Last modified August 25, 2023: Clone abdocs (20b3b13)