Supplier Approval

Info about Supplier Approval

The Supplier Approval form contains an overview of the current approval status with summary information about the latest Certificates, Audits, Reviews etc. Use the tabs to access detailed information.

The supplier approval record is made against a specific Site. In many cases, a supplier only has 1 site, so the distinction between the supplier and the site is irrelevant. However, if a supplier has multiple sites then you will need to create a Supplier Approval record for each of the sites that are involved in the supply chain {see Supplier v Site below}.

It is important to identify the type of supplier as you will be prompted for different risk assessment questions depending on whether they Supply ingredients, packaging, transport or services.

Use the Initial Assessment section to capture a basic description outlining your procurement team’s goals when introducing a potential new Supplier. This will help you define your next steps and eventually ensure that the scope of the Supplier Approval satisfies your needs.

You can also override the chaser and reminder settings for this specific Approval.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Rename to (5ae50c8)