
Info on Products

The Product Form allows you to capture the details of creating a product. The facilities help from the creative stage of product development through to moving to production. 

The system has an area focused on the Kitchen team enabling them to log the Kitchen Instructions and associated information. Using the associated Recipe a “Kitchen Instructions” doc can be created automatically (useful for Samples Out). A related section holds information appropriate to the Production department with manufacturing steps. The yield field allows you to capture loss of material due to cooking. This percentage is used when calculating an estimated cost to make.

There are additional fields to capture any HACCP or CCP information the technical team deems appropriate to the specific Product.


As products are usually “made” they therefore have a list of ingredients that form the recipe.

Simply press the “Add Recipe Ingredient” button and choose an ingredient. You can then add an amount. If you choose to enter in grams, the percentage will be calculated for you. There are optional notes field and if appropriate a Prep yield that can be used to account for wastage during the preparation.

N.b. Some customer may find it easier to create a Sub Recipe such as Diced Red Pepper that already accounts for the prep wastage.

Please see Creating a Recipe for more details


The Specification section helps create the data for both Product labels and the Specification document.

For more information about Specifications click here.

Samples Out

The product maintains a list of samples that have been created for it. You can also log the request for new samples from this section too.

For more information about Samples Out click here 

Development Costs

The ability to log any incidental costs incurred during the development of the product should be logged under the Development Costs tab.

Costs may be for an item or simply time expended. 


The milestone module allows you to create a series of time released activities that need to be performed for a product to be launched on time.

The default set of milestones can easily be altered by the Sys Admin, however adhoc milestones can be added on a product by product basis if needed by the user.

Milestones are assigned an owner and a target date as well as a status. Reports alert people when milestones are missed.


The product maintains a list of briefs that have the product assigned. You can see the Launch date that has been requested.

For more information about Briefs click here

Tests and Trials

Log the details of any Tests or Trials that you perform whilst bringing a product to market. The “Type” you choose will alter the details you can store from Taste, however at heart each is a record of a test that is scheduled and performed with the results logged. Each test is allocated an owner who will be alerted if deadlines are missed.

Taste Panel tests store results about appearance, aroma, texture etc whilst Factory Trials help coordinate with the production dept.

Last modified October 11, 2023: Rename to (13f58ed)