Creating user accounts with the API

Creating a user account in a multi-tenanted system with an API request

Normally, a user account can only be created by a system administrator - see adding a user.

However there’s one special case in which the organisation runs a multi-tenanted Agilebase account. In that case, you can use an API call to create a new tenant in the account and new user(s) for that tenant.

For example, imagine your organisation is a body for football clubs around the country, where each club was a tenant, i.e. each club had users who could log in, but only see data from their own club. In that case, the user creation API could be called to

  1. create a new club
  2. create an initial user (or users) for that club


Note: these instructions need updating for the newest release, please contact support if you wish to use this functionality.

Before calling the API, you have to configure the system to allow it to be used. In the administrator user interface:

  1. Expand the Administration menu in the lefthand sidebar
  2. Click company
  3. Click your company name then the pencil icon in the toolbar to edit the details

In Multi-tenanting field name (optional), type in the field name that your system uses to differentiate tenants, e.g. “account name”. See multi-tenanting

Refresh the page and an API key will appear. We will need this to call the API as below.

To disable the API at any point, just delete the value you entered into Multi-tenanting field name (optional)

Calling the API

Use URL You should make a POST request with encoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The Authorization header needs to be set to the API key as above.

The following paramaters are required

  1. c: this identifies your company account and will always be the same. It will be shown in the company editing screen used in preparation, above
  2. create_tenant: true
  3. json

The value of the json parameter is a JSON object, defined below.

In the below format, multi-tenanting fieldname is the name of the field used to differentiate tenants with spaces replaced with underscores, e.g. ‘account_name’. The multi-tenanting value is the name of the tenant you wish to create with this particular API call. A multi-tenanting role will be created named ‘cust multi-tenanting value’. E.g. if the value is ‘spurs’, the role will be named ‘cust spurs’. The value should be a lowercase string consisting only of letters from a through to z and numbers.

The users property is an array of users. Each user will be created and assigned to the above multi-tenanting role, so they can only see data belonging to them and other users of that role. The user will need a valid email address in order to perform a password reset so they can log in.

The customui property refers to the option to apply a custom logo and login screen

For each user, the roles parameter is a comma separated list of internal role IDs, or role names. In addition to the multi-tenanting role, they will also be assigned these roles. They could be e.g. ‘manager’, ‘sales rep’ or ‘accounts dept’.

For each user, tiles is an array of the tiles the user should see on screen when they log in.

  "[multi-tenanting fieldname]": "[multi-tenanting value]",
  "users": [
      "username": "[username",
      "forename": "[forename]",
      "surname": "[surname]",
      "email": "[email address]",
      "customui": [true/false],
      "roles": "[comma separated list of role names]",
      "tiles": [
          "tiletype": "comment_stream / calendar / data_link / files",
          "colour": "blue / yellow / green / purple / pink / turquoise / blue2 / yellow2 / green2 / purple2 / pink2 / turquoise2",
          "internaltilename": "[for data_link or files tiles, identifies the tile to add]"
        { ... }

On a successful call, the JSON

"result": "ok"

will be returned, with a 200 HTTP status code. If there is an error,

"error": true,
"type": "[class of error]",
"message": "[error message]"

will be returned and the HTTP status code will reflect the error.

Last modified August 25, 2023: Clone abdocs (20b3b13)