Number Field Options

Options specific to numeric fields

Colour outliers

Automatically highlight ‘unusual’ values of this field in views. This can help pick out values which are notable in some way, for example if a number has been entered without a decimal point by mistake (1253 instead of 12.53) or is a statistical outlier.

Specifically, if the value is more than 4 standard deviations away from the mean, it’s strongly highlighted in green (for values greater than the mean) or red (for values less). Values more than 2 standard deviations away are highlighted in a weaker shade.

Separate thousands and use totals

In views and data entry screens, show numbers as e.g. 31,141,592 rather than 31141592.

Also when the field is added to a tab view, a total is displayed at the bottom of the column of numbers for it.

Use duration

The view displays the same in views, but in data entry forms, is entered as a time duration, specifically a number of hours. So for example the number 1.5 would be entered as 01:30 (1.5 hrs = 1 hr 30 minutes). This allows time durations to be entered into e.g. timesheets in a natural fashion, but also time to be totalled up easily.


The number of decimal places to show numbers to.

his affects display only, so for example if 1.543 is entered into a field with 1 decimal place, it will display as 1.5 but will still be stored as 1.543 and any maths done on the field operate on the higher precision value.

Note - integer and floating fields are actually different field types in the underlying database, so if a number is created with 0dp i.e. as a whole number, it can’t later be converted to floating point by changing the dp. There is a process that can be followed for converting fields from one type to another.

Whole number fields can store integer values from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647, i.e. approx. -2 billion to +2 billion. Decimal number fields have a range of around 1E-307 to 1E+308. See notes for integer and double precision types here:

If you need to store values of greater range or accuracy, please let us know.


Set a default value for the field, which will apply when a new record is created.

Last modified August 25, 2023: Clone abdocs (20b3b13)