Exporting data to Excel

Exporting data from agileBase

Open up the tile the data is in and click the view you want to export from.

print button to export

Clicking on the printer icon opens a pop up window which has the option of exporting to excel:

export to excel button

You will get a spreadsheet containing all rows, plus data for any charts set up for the view, one spreadsheet tab per chart.

Privileges and administrator setup

The system administrator has a number of options to control data exports.


In the manage tab of a table, you can select whether the table contains commercially sensitive data (ticked by default) and/or personal data (see https://gdpr-info.eu/art-4-gdpr/). If either of these options is ticked, you’ll also be able to set up a notification if a user exports more than a certain number of rows

table info tab

The system will also show you which groups of people have permissions to export - see below.


Firstly, anyone who has ‘manage’ privileges on a table can export data from it.

For other users, permissions can be set both at the view level and at the role level, so

  1. the user must belong to a role with export privileges (disabled by default) AND
  2. the view they want to export from must have exporting enabled (enabled by default)

To assign export privileges to a role, edit the role in the Administration section and tick ‘allow export’.

To allow exporting of a view, go to the manage tab of that view and tick ‘Allow users to export, if they’re also a member of a role with export privileges’

Last modified October 15, 2023: Create _index.md (85eca4f)