Reminder of Upcoming Supplier Risk Assessments

Reminder of Upcoming Supplier Risk Assessments

The system will automatically send an email to the specified email address 4 weeks before the next Risk Assessment is due:

  • The Supplier Approval record has “Supplier Risk Assessment Dure Reminder” ticked
  • The option to remind has a valid email address set within settings

Options within settings: Setting an email address will enable a Auto reminder. The system uses the date the previous risk assessment was finished and adds an appropriate number of months to calculate the due date. The number of months added depends on whether the Supplier’s current Risk rating is Low risk or not. Low risk companies dewfault to 24 months, whilst Not Lol risk default to 12 months. These values can be altered within the settings section.

The reminder email is sent to the specified address 4 weeks before the Expiry date. You can also override the default reminder period of 4 weeks.

Supplier risk assessment

Reminder of Ingredient Risk Assessments

The system will automatically send an email to the specified email address 4 weeks before an Ingredient Risk Assessment is due:

Options within settings: Setting an email address will enable a Auto reminder. The system uses the Due date of the last Ingredient Risk Assessment. The reminder email is sent to the specified address 4 weeks before the Due date. You can also override the default reminder period of 4 weeks.

Ingredient risk assessment

The system will attempt to set an appropriate Due date once you have completed and verifed the Risk Assessment. Use the options in settings to override the defaults of: Very High - 6 months, High - 12 months, Medium - 18 months, Low - 24 months

Last modified October 26, 2023: Create (03551e0)